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What is energy brokerage?

Energy brokerage is an intermediation service between a professional or individual customer and an energy supplier, in order to optimize your consumption and also your bill, from a budget perspective.

Global Energy Partners, as a reference broker, makes it a point of honor to provide personalized support according to your consumption habits, your energy needs and to offer you the best offers.

Why should you work with Global Energy Partners?

Global Energy Partners allows you to save valuable time in the research process and the various offers of suppliers, thanks to its knowledge of the market and its ability to challenge energy offers.

We then advise you on the most appropriate choice, according to your consumption profile. Then, once the contract is signed, we remain with you throughout the evolution of your consumption needs in order to meet your future needs for energy budget optimization.

Why is it so important to be energy market savvy?

For many months now, electricity and gas prices have been experiencing successive, spectacular increases that weigh considerably on the activity of many professionals and companies. Making a precise diagnosis together allows you to have a clear picture of your energy expenses and to establish a strategy of optimization and energy transition in order to reduce the impact related to the price, while guaranteeing continuity of service over the entire duration of your next contract.

Several factors determine energy prices:

  • Increases in production costs,
  • Fiscal and environmental policies,
  • An imbalance between energy supply and demand,
  • The geopolitical context,
  • Climatic conditions,


What is the blue/yellow/green rate?


These colors correspond to the power of the meter you use and are linked to the Regulated Sales Tariff (TRV):

  • The blue tariff is applicable to meters whose subscribed power is less than or equal to 36 kVA. This tariff concerns small professionals who have a consumption that is similar to that of individuals. This is the regulated tariff;
  • The yellow tariff is applicable to meters whose subscribed power is between 37 and 250 kVA. It concerns firms;
  • The green tariff is applicable to meters whose subscribed power is greater than 250 kVA. It concerns factories and companies with high consumption.

Is there a power cut between the old and the new energy supplier?

The answer is NO!

Our Brokers work closely with Enedis on the transition of your future energy contract in order to preserve a continuous and uninterrupted energy, even in case of change of supplier.

Once my new contract is signed, what happens?

You become both a fellow Global Energy Partners’ customer as well as a customer of your new energy supplier.

Global Energy Partners is committed to supporting you with your new supplier to ensure a lasting and healthy relationship. We also remain at your side, at all times, for any information and energy undertaking you may need.

Is the change of energy supplier payable?

No, this change is completely free!

The change of energy supplier is free of charge, provided you respect the expiry date of your current contract.

What are the documents necessary for the competition of your energy contract?


The energy invoice brings together a lot of essential information to make an inventory of your consumption. This document includes:


  • The PDL/PRM: this 14-digit number allows you to identify your meter,
  • The price of energy you blocked when signing your contract,
  • The price of the subscription with your current provider,
  • The consumption curve over the last 12 months,
  • The share of energy taxes in relation to your consumption,

Those pieces of information allow us to know the possible optimizations and to build the call for tenders with suppliers in order to obtain an long term advantageous offer.

Who are the main energy players in France?

The three main players in the energy market in France are:

  • The Distributors: Enedis and GRDF are two network operators for all consumers, regardless of their supplier.

Their mission is to manage energy networks at the distribution, routing and maintenance levels.

Enedis is thus responsible for the connection to the electricity grid and GRDF is responsible for the connection to the natural gas network.

In France, 95% of the population has ENEDIS and GRDF as energy distribution system operators. The remaining 5% is managed by local distribution companies such as Strasbourg Electricité Réseaux, Régaz-Bordeaux, Usine d’Electricité de Metz (UEM), etc.

  • The Producers: EDF and ENGIE are the main energy producers in France. They ensure production for the suppliers.


  • Suppliers:
  • EDF,
  • ENGIE,
  • ENI,

They supply energy (electricity and/or gas) to their professional and private customers.

What is the Energy Saving Certificates – CEE system?

The “CEE” or “C2E” premium is a financial aid that can be paid to you for energy saving projects, more specifically thermal renovation work. It falls within the framework of the system.

What renovation work is covered by the CEE system?

The “CEE” system makes it possible to finance energy saving and/or energy optimization work for professionals and individuals.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of works eligible for the CEE scheme:

  • Compressed air,
  • Insulation,
  • Heating,
  • Solar ECS,
  • Windows,
  • Interior/exterior insulation,
  • Optimization of consumption.

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